Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I'm just saying...

There are days--let's just take today, for example--when I think that whoever thought that my marrying and then giving birth to 7 children was a good idea was either smoking crack or has a REALLY evil sense of humor.

Oh, well. As Miss Scarlett says, "Tommorrow is another day!"


Living My Dream said...

ummmm... YES, I know what you mean. Should you get discouraged thinking 7 was just a really stupid number... consider 15 and be really grateful.... wahhhhhhahahahaha!!!! When do we leave for the party???


Andrew "Drew Portnoy" Bulkeley said...

My beliefs notwithstanding, I believe his name starts with G and ends in D.

Some gay-looking dudes from England once sang about this.

talitha said...

Kim--We leave 'not soon enough'.

A-I laughed through tears at your comment. This means that you are now officially my favorite person ever.

Vern said...

Hmmm...happy mommy's not so happy. I hear Carly has some Vicodin she's not using....

Anne/kq said...

Ah, yes, the "why on earth did I become a mother" days.

Hope you're doing better now. :)