Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Just so you know...

I'm kind of obsessed with organizing.

In fact, I dream about being a professional organizer. I would LOVE to go into people's homes and help them let go of things they don't need and find the joy of living with less. (ala my quote of the week)

Part of the obsession, no doubt, stems from being the mom of many. You can't really fly by the seat of your pants when you have a family of 9...well, you CAN...but it's not gonna be pretty. I went through a few years of digging for permission slips and blank stares when the kids ask what's for dinner and impaling myself on Legos and Bionicles when I go in to kiss my kids goodnight. Somewhere along the line, I realized that if I wanted to live this life, I'd better get my act together. I haven't lived in an unorganized house since.

Family life always requires course correction. What worked for a while may not work anymore. So you adjust. You adapt. And you can't adapt well when you are buried in stuff. In fact, being buried in stuff is sort of the manifestation of being unwilling or unable to adapt. To adapt and change your family's schedule and way of living, you have to be willing to let go. And clearly, if your house is overrun with stuff, letting go is not your strong suit.

I spent yesterday in my kitchen. I emptied every drawer, every cupboard. Got rid of everything that didn't help us function as a family and make us happy. Switched some things around since they weren't helping us get the most out of our time and space. Cleaned every nook and cranny. It was SO fun.

I love the way I feel whenever I do this. I feel lighter, more calm, and like I have less to worry about. Because, well, I DO have less to worry about. I feel like a more grateful person, because I am treating the things we have been blessed with in a way that shows respect. And because I am not hanging on to things that we don't use or need when those things could be blessing the lives of someone else.

So, until I can become a professional organizer, could you at least humor me and go clean out a drawer or something?


Mean Mommy said...

How 'bout I buy you a plane ticket, and you can come help me clean out a drawer...or fifty.

I think I've said it before, but when I grow up, I want to be you.

Brittany said...

I'd LOVE to go clean out a drawer on your behalf...if I could just find the motivation!!!

Amy said...

Oh MAN do I wish I had this skill!

Amy (Zhubber)

Vern said...

I don't care whether you're a professional or not. Wanna come over? I'll make you lunch! (And dinner, 'cuz it could take a while.)

Tara Ray Eyer said...

Hey, I'm not just cleaning out one drawer; I'm cleaning out my whole house--literally. Hopefully I'll be even more organized in the next house...

DenimAngel said...

I'm working on it.

talitha said...

Seriously, I can SO be bought on the cheap...offer me a Chipotle burrito and promise me that my kids don't get to come with me and I am THERE.

mean mom: only if when I can grow up, I can be some of all the wonderful things you are.

Living My Dream said...

Could you please come and organize ME??? I really need it right now!!!

Love to you and your family.
